Sunday, October 24, 2004

"...and I found her the perfect replacement for my late wife Phillipa who was beautiful but died."

You should go hear this - (38 minutes in to the programme)

"Everywhere I look, I see myself. Just like - "
"In the Greek Tales. Everything I touch turns to gold, just like - "
"In the Greek Tales. I flew too close to the sun, just like - "
"In the Greek Tales. I want to have sex with my mum, just like - "
"In the Greek Tales. I was ruled by Chairman Mau, just like - "
"In the Greek Tales. Heaven knows I'm miserable now, just like - "
"In the Greek Tales. I was nailed up on the cross, just like - "
"In the Greek Tales. My brother is Jonathon Ross, just like - "
"Paul Ross"
"In the Greek Tales."

Saturday, October 02, 2004

One Click Comedy

The ever fabulous Milk Run this week seems to be mainly Mr Tim Key. Which can only be a good thing.

