Friday, August 06, 2004

Day Two: On my command, release Helen

Yesterday was a less successful foray in to the world of Edinburgh Festival attendance. We contend that a lot of this had to do with the hangover Susan was carrying around with her, and Sharon's inability to get around to doing anything. We did do a big shop at Tescos, filling the flat up with unnecessarily healthy food in an attempt to try not to die this year.

We finally had our first glance of the Mums, as they appeared to have been avoiding us up to this point, making empty promises and non appearances. Well, we know their game, and refuse to be pulled in to their attention seeking games. We made our excuses and left, and then only cried for about half an hour because they didn't love us before going to see Markus Birdman in the lovely Pod Deco because a nice Karushi flyerer saw our crying faces and gave us free tickets. The show was worth every penny.

After that our energy levels dipped slightly, and we decided a return to our luxury pad was in order. Having made the official team decision not to attend the List party on the grounds that Sharon didn't want to go because it was too far away, we reassessed our options and decided that Gary Le Strange would be the best bet. Which it was. We can, hand on our hearts, say that that show gets better every day. Everyone at the Festival must go and see it. Everyone.

We are happy to report that we're making a new friend every day with our happy social skills and beaming smiles. On Wednesday, Susan developed a close personal understanding with the Butch one from Topping and Butch, although she can't strictly remember details of the conversations they had. Yesterday, we were hysterically pleased to be joined in the Brooks bar by Neil Consultant, who came to join us when Justin Consultant suddenly remembered he had somewhere else to be. Neil Consultant is an officer and a gentleman, and we're very pleased to be able to call him our newest friend, and indeed our favourite Consultant.

We ended up back at the Brooks Bar for a swift one drink that lasted until 3.30am, joined as we were by the glamour that is friend of the Lounge and Tech Extraordinaire, Kerry. Kerry and Sharon have laid down plans for a comedy show starring them next year, imaginatively titled 4 Tits. Can you begin to imagine what that might be about? Yes, yes you can.

Uncle Vinnie also appeared as if by magic, and we were glad and rejoiced.

This morning our smoke alarm went off at 9.30am for no reason, and eerily managed to continue for a few moments even after Susan had violently ripped the battery out. We think the flat might be haunted.


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