Tuesday, August 17, 2004


On a further point, we have just returned from our spiritual home, the Brookes Bar, having played the second round in the continuing Comedy Lounge Pool Tournament. Regular readers will remember that, when we played The Trap, Susan and Dan beat Sharon and Paul.

This second round was undertaken with the stars of Every Body Talks, Alex Horne and Tim Key. We were matched equally in the pairings of Sharon and Tim, with Susan and Alex.

We are sad to report that Sharon is now 2-0 down in the Comedy Lounge Pool Tournament, having been beaten at the very last moment with some deft pool moves from the Key/Turnbull team.

If anyone is half decent at playing this damned game, please apply to icanhelpsharonwin@comedylounge.co.uk and we can arrange a rematch. Many thanks.


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